They benefit from having control over their selection of pitches. Like every young netminder, he wants to improve his ability to control and direct rebounds. I'd also like to watch him perform with an edge more consistently. I hope this moment Steele has higher quality analysis to deliver to this table. The first phase ended in a 0-0 snorefest, but there was a few terrific high quality chances interspersed with video highlight packages. When he was out there, he seemed to do fine, but he wasn'out there enough to find a powerful assessment. He's got the size to be a very intimidating player on the ice and in the front of the internet, but just isn't there yet. He attracts a whole lot of sandpaper to the ice and is a really effective offensive player below the hash marks. He was really only apparent as a punishing checker, however, struggled to find his own way in the end.